Monday, April 25, 2011

Starting Over!

Okay, I am going to start all over. I not going to delete any posts, okay? So, don't worry. I am going to show you all my improved meant over these past few months and so. So, sit back and enjoy.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Monday, February 7, 2011


I'm really sorry I haven't posted in a while. I been really busy.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Great Blogs

Go to the new tab: Great Blogs!
ONLY comment on the Great Blogs tab if you want me to advise your blog.
It says this:
In the comments, if you want your blog to be advise include this info:
Owner [Like your user name on stardoll or something like that.]:
Blog Name/ULR:
Picture [If you want me to post the banner of your website.]:
Hope you love my idea. If you do, tell me down below [In the comments.].

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I love this photo to death! I found this photo on fashionablydrugged! This photo is my new favorite photo. I love the way she is smiling. I mostly love her glasses [always wanted a pair.]. I love the clothes she wearing. Different in a good way. Right?! The gray jean jacket is amazing. I love where her hands are. They look so elegant. One word: Amazing! This says a million words. I could write a hundred story's about this picture. She looks happy on the outside, but to me on the inside she is broken. Like she has no family. And much, much more.
Ps. I found this really isn't a model. It really is the creator of fashionablydrugged!  

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


This photo is so, so.... AMAZING! I love dyed hair, like weird colors. I would never change the color my hair. Unless I get highlights. It would may make my hair look lighter. This girl looks sad, depress, and angry all at the same time. Like at the world. Tell me what you think she is feeling down below [comment]. Also, I love how it is winter in the background. You tell she is shivering. Look at her lips. I think that it is awesome that they took that photo outside. I just can't get over her hair. I love it. More coming [about this picture].

Monday, January 31, 2011


I thought of maybe writing essays on famous/designers/models, and stuff like that. It may sound weird, but I enjoy writing, so if I like the topic of the essay; I enjoy writing the essay.  I would have all this-
  • Born/died
  • Lived 
  • Family [maybe]
  • Childhood [maybe]
  •  Bio
I also thought I could write a story about a picture; or just talk about how I like it. Hope you like my idea! 

Sunday, January 30, 2011


How did vinnie99 get this!
Looks like a photo. Right?



Look it. This is base of a girl in the summer.


Everyone is saying Disney is going to buy stardoll. I think that is a H-U-G-E LIE! You? Why would somebody post a picture on the internet and not know everybody in the world can see that picture.Don't believe any of that crap. Look for yourself:


I know this may some weird, but I have another follower!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy..

If you gals/guys wanna do me a favor, please sign my guestbook on stardoll. Tell me if you like it or not [my website].

I was wondering, who else has Looklet. I do. I love looklet. Comment down below if you have a looklet. I'll visit your page.

I was thinking instead of just posting stuff about stardoll, I'll talk about fashion, other sites, and much more. I'm gonna try to write at least a paragraph everyday.

Have any of you notice, but stardoll has been having GLITCHES! I know everybody has notice that, but it is weird why stardoll hasn't fit it yet. Right?


Saturday, January 29, 2011

Making a Graphic

Hey, I'm trying to make amazing graphic. Sorry about Gia not posting, she is really busy. Well, love you all lotts! Have a great Saturday.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Epppiicc Suitee

Lookk at KTH_GOGO 's suite! AMAZING!!
Don't you just LOVE it!

Fake Looking!!

The Miss Stardoll World dress up looks very FAKE! Look-
All the circle parts are the parts that look fake. I think it looks weird. But, maybe you don't. And that's ok

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


When I log out, I notice this. Weird, right? I click on it, and well I log on facebook and they use my real name with something for a new user. But I don't have a password. I try logging back in, but I couldn't. Weird. I don't think it's fair you can't pick your own user name. You? Tell me.


Sorry I couldn't post anything yesterday and today.Really busyy. Bye! Love you all lotts.

Monday, January 24, 2011


I just got bored, so I made this. Look!
The girl is hiding a secret; That is why half her face is cover up.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

You are going to love this!

I just finish another graphic! Look:
This one is really epic! The theme is purple.


I am getting really good at graphics. I don't have that GIMP thing, I have paint (the older one, I think.). They don't take me as long as they use to take me. Now they take me a hour or sometimes two hours. I love making a graphics. Most of the time, they look awesome. Sometimes they suck. Also, Gia can't post a ton. She can't post a lot like me because she has been really busy. Love you all lotts.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


I'm going to delete the tab 'Magazine' How come? Well, it isn't even a magazine. It is more like about me. Right? I just don't like it. Bye. Love you all lotts.

My Graphic is Donee!

OMG! Finally I finish my graphic! It took me a day or two. I really hope you LOVE it! Look:
She looks like she is dancing. The theme is roses. c:
Well, bye. Love you all lotts.

Friday, January 21, 2011


Look at lsdluciana's suite! It is soo amazing!
Go check out all her rooms, but this one is my favorite! c;


Look at this design:
Epic, right? Go visit homie_13_. I love this design! She also has other great designs too. But she can sell them, though.Why? She is a non-superstar. I wish she could sell them.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Most of the time I hate the pigtails on stardoll but this looks great in them. Go check out daniandsophie.


Hi people. I'm working on awesome stardoll graphic! Oh also visit SDMRS. Why? Well, that is the official doll for the website. c; Bye,, Love you all lotts.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Sorry people, I can't post anything epic today! :c. Check out the tab Magazine! Maybe more pages will be coming. Hopefully. c;. Tell if you love Daydream! [my magazine] Well, bye. Love you all lotts.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

First tip!

Purple lips!? Why not! Don't be afraid to go bold! Just remember if you do a dramatic colour on the lips, make sure to tone it down on the eyes. Thanks and have fun this season!

                                                                                      From your #1 tipster,


The covergirl for my magazine is going to be MissLadyGaGa--! Congrats MissLadyGaGa--. She just has that fab look. Well Bye. Love you lotts.

Monday, January 17, 2011


People I am going to have a great magazine. I have no idea when it will be coming out, but maybe next month. Maybe. I hope. Gia will help me with other things with the magazine. By the way, Gia and I do complete different things. Gia is also very busy with lots of stuff, so don't mad if she doesn't post a lot of stuff. In the magazine, there will be at least 6 pages. Maybe more pages. Bye. Love you lotts.

Object of the Day

I thought of this amazing idea that we should have a object of the day. Great thought, right? OK, I found this epic object. I found this on clubcreator's account.

Fashion Tips & trends

Black is flattering, but never too much. Then it over powers you. It makes you look skinner.
White makes you look chubby or fat. Just maybe a little white is OK.
Brown hair guys/gals look good with purple on them
70's glamor, biker clothing,  punk fashion, and much more. Go check out Fashion Trends for more info.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


If you want a graphic just ask me on stardoll. Visit 10notaskater10 and contact me on message. They take me a day or two to do a graphic. Bye. Love you lotts.


OK, wanna know what's in season? Well, this spring lace is going to be in. Gia and I think the color sky blue is going to be in. Hopefully, because there really needs to be light, flowy color this year. I love that color :). Well, bye, love you all lotts.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


OK, I have a new writer. She is going by Gia. (her nickname) Go visit GiaDog on stardoll. XD I go by Kittie or Lu. (my nicknames) My username is 10notaskater10

Up there is our new fabulous writer. :)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Hey people. This is were i can post awesome photos, mostly about stardoll! up there is welcome photo!